Monday, November 26, 2007

On behalf of The Santa Claus, I'm dreaming of a White Christmas!

Hey All,

I'm going to tell you guys in this entry about BLACK FRIDAY, the best shopping day of the year. MUHAHAHAHA!

So my friends Ange and Amanda and I set a plan in motion, stay up all night and go to Kohls for the 4am opening, Modells, a sporting goods store for their 5am opening, and 6am for the Target opening.

Andrea decided to join in the fun, she goes shopping usually too.

So after a delicious yummy Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Mom - a dinner of Italian favorites, stuffed shells, meatballs and sausage, and traditional favorites of turkey, stuffing (bread and meat), potatoes, corn, mmmm yummy and don't even mention the pies - after that , that night I went to Ange and Amanda's apartment down the street from me, and we, with Alpo and Ange's family, watched Elf. My first viewing of Elf this season, and I've already seen it again, gotta love Elf. Then it was time to put up decorations. Including my best friend, the Snowman with low batteries so it sings Frosty like this, "MEH MEH MEHMEHMEH..."

So great.

Then we hung out and ate pancakes and I taught Ange how to brew coffee. After an explosion. Heh.

Then after all our talking about staying up all night we all agreed to take an hour nap at 2. And then we woke up at 3AM ready to hit the stores, or hit ourselves for waking up so early.

We get Andrea, and Andrea and I share the backseat of Amanda's car with a questionable cooler, which I joked with Andrea and told her it had food but it didn't and it was too early for jokes.

So we get to Kohls at 3:30A, and there were people starting to form lines in front of the store. In front of Kohls. Seriously people, it's cold, let's wait for the doors to open and rush in!! I spent the next twenty seven minutes putting words in people's mouths, people who were in line, employees who were entering the store. According to Julio, one of the workers, there was a big sale on hoses.

The last two sentences were random but I was tired and i'm random normally. So at 3:57 they open the doors and we rush in, and we get some things, they had lots of sales on clothes and some random GPS devices and lots of housewares. But yeah I didn't find anything but you know what, it's about the fun! The fun! So we get out at 4:30 and the lines for the registers weren't bad. My mom left Kohls at 5 and the lines were around the corner of the store. Crazy.

Next we went to Modells, a sporting goods store and my friends all had things to buy but I didn't so I kind of wandered the store. But the best part of that store was Andrea seeing all these boxes and going, "Oh, they have ripsticks." and if they weren't so much, she'd buy one for her cousin. So we're all like, "what's a ripstick?" ok we probably said, "What the hell.." or worse!! Anyway, it's a weird looks like this:

I can't do anything right, just see that link and see the wonder of Ripstick.

So, we took a detour because we thought we could walk right into Staples and get these super Garmin GPS's, but we were oh so wrong. But Andrea got her pencil sharpener, so we all took a sigh of relief. :-)

Then to Target. BADA! I heart Target. I bought a few things there ---for myself. Ooops. But I spent most of the time talking to people I worked with at times long ago. And I decided there should be no carts. NO CARTS. OH, and I talked to a random girl that was wearing the same shirt as Amanda. And I said weird things to her, thinking she was amanda and she seemed pretty scared.

So we left Target and we're so tired. And there haven't been GREAT sales, BTW. So Andrea says "Can we go to (name of store removed , just in case someone reads this) - to buy something" So we go to the mall and we get the thing and then Andrea is like, can we go to Victoria's secret - -so the three of us decide to go to breakfast in the mall - the Dunkin Donuts, while she goes to Vickie's.

And by then we thought of the Ripstick theme song - it starts -


And then we sang all the functions of the ripstick we remembered. I got a chocolate chip muffin and amanda was hungry for food food so she got that at Burger King. Hey, to us, it was kind of dinner.

Finally we head home at 8am, and by then we're all overtired, so we're all singing the ripstick song, and Ange sang the song to random people from the car as we drove out of the mall.

Then I went home and went to sleep.

It was good shopping!!

Love yas!



Unknown said...

that sounds like a totally awesome shopping experience. I already knew what a ripstick as it had been been featured, of all places, on an episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent earlier in the season-how random is that? Then I saw them on sale at the navy exchange on black friday and briefly considered buying one. For who? I don't know--but they seemed pretty amazing. I was able to resist this astounding logic and walk out unscathed and ripstickless.

Amanda_Kay12 said...

lol that blog was too funny...especially funny because I was there to witness all this ridiculous-ness! :)

Corri_Lee said...

I know exactly what a Ripstick is! It's advertised in snowboarding magazines so you can practice snowboarding without snow. I'm ashamed to admit I actually wanted one for a total of 1 minute and 42 seconds of my life. Then I realized the pressure changes from the plane I was on was affecting my brain.

Angela said...

That was a fabulous rendition of our awesome Black Friday... I'm trying to think if you left anything out? Like that I was sick the entire day..

And oh maybe me laughing nonstop for about 5 minutes, and I don't even know what was so funny!

And PS Corri, 1 minute 42 seconds?! Hahahah