Monday, June 11, 2007

My Return to Blogs


This blog will be short, but (hopefully seemingly?) sweet. I'm going to start blogging because I used to do it all the time, and I feel like there's a lot of interesting things that I do, and rarely do I get to tell stories about them.

My life these days is focused on film shoots and writing deadlines. And it's wonderful. I'm in this great time in my life, and, since moving to Virginia, have made some wonderful friendships. So why not document it?

I especially want to start a blog because so many people are leaving and this could be a good way to keep people I might not talk to often, in the loop of my life. And this goes to my awesome peeps back in the 'Gus.

I know me. I'll start this all ambitious like and then drop it, so if there is something you find interesting, be sure to leave me comments.

I guess that's about all I have to say in this post.


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