Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'm living my dream, how do I make it stop?

Hello y'all.

It is Saturday, July 5th, at 8:28 in the morning as I set about starting to write this blog about Los Angeles. Yes, it's that early. Yes, I feel like it's almost noon. Don't you love the time change thing, doesn't it just make your heart soar into the sky like some sort of majestic bird?

The answer is yes. Right?

Today marks the second day of my new home, lovely Los Angeles. And even though it's early on, I still can't believe I'm really here. Like, I think back to when I was nineteen years old and trying to decide between being an English major and being a Communication major, and my friend Andrea telling me I could always write screenplays and I of course think, Sure I can, let's do that.

But I actually never thought I'd get here.

I come from a family where everyone has been happily living in the Boston area (with few and far between exceptions) and no one has ever had a pressing need to move. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Boston. In fact, there was one day this summer where I was standing on the steps of City Hall in Boston where it overlooks Fanueil Hall on one side and opens out to a street mere minutes away from the Park in the Commons on the other other, and I thought to myself, "I could really be happy living right here, right in the middle of the city. Now where's that million dollars I dropped on the floor?"

Actually, living in the really nice part of Boston is about as much as it will cost to live in the Burbank/Studio City/et al area in Los Angeles, which is where I'm planning to live. Right now I'm living temporarily with one of my dearest friends, Loni, who is really awesomely helping me during this time of uncertainty. When my dear friend Rachel arrives in a week, we'll be getting an apartment together. I hope her transition is going smoother than mine.

Ok, here's a little thing about me; about five years ago, I became a Christian. I'm going to get a little spiritual here, fair warning for those who may need it. In my last week or so of my move to LA, and now that I'm here, I'm feeling very uncertain and heavily attacked. There are so many certainties among all the uncertainties I will be facing, and I'm just feeling really uncertain and negative about, well, basically everything. I confess this to you, my reader (is that you, Mom?), so that you can offer me up a prayer, or just well wishes for my time of transition.

I do have an interview with Audiences Unlimited on Tuesday, it's a page company (basically an usher for live studio audiences). The opportunity was brought to me by another one of my dearest friends, John. I had been reluctant about being a page when I heard about the wacky and random hours of a different program, but this one would seem to have the hours to accomodate getting another part time job to round out that one. Then I could hope to pay rent and keep myself rich in saltine crackers and peanut butter. And Ramen.

But I should go now, it's almost 9am here in LA. You know what that means. My body thinks it's bedtime.

Bye folks!


Unknown said...

Yay!!! You're in LA!!! Screw Satan!

Amanda_Kay12 said...

You'll do great Jen! :) <3